If you want to feel more energetic then stop eating these 8 foods
They say that we’re only as strong as our weakest link. In other words, there’s always something that holds us back from scooping the big prizes in life.
For some of us, our weakest links are junk food that prevents us from looking our best and which, although it makes us feel pretty great in the short term, actually makes us feel horrible in the long term.
If you want to feel more energetic and lose weight to feel great, then stop eating these eight foods.
1) White Bread: White bread is often something that most of us grew up on. But as we get older, we start to read that it’s actually no good for us and it’s one of most common foods that drain energy. White bread is rich in added sugar, and it’s also super highly refined. This means it can rocket your blood sugar levels, which puts you at risk of diabetes.
Read also: 9 foods to avoid if you want a healthy skin
2) Fruit Juice: Many of us tend to think fruit juices are healthy because, well, it’s fruit. However, the fruit juices that you’ll see lining the shelves at the local supermarket are actually NOTHING like whole fruit. For a start, fruit juice is rich in sugar and it’s highly processed. They’re also calorie rich and don’t contain fibre, whereas whole fruits do.
And fibre helps you to feel full for longer. Instead, if you want more energy and want to lose weight, it’s much better to just go for the whole fruit option.
3) Soda: Let’s face it, when we were kids, we all drank soda. Soda is a harmful food product that messes with your regulatory system. It offers no nutritional value and has been linked to tooth decay and obesity. Want more energy? Kick the soda.
4) Low Fat Foods: If you’re trying to lose weight, it makes a lot of sense to eat lots of low fat foods, right? Not quite. When food is proudly advertised as being low on fat, it tends to be high on sweeteners and fillers instead. Avoid them as these are usually those foods that drain energy.
5) Ice Cream: Ice cream is an indulgent food that we eat when we’re watching movies or chilling with our partner. We all know it isn’t very healthy, but did you know that it’s bad for your energy levels, as ice cream is also one of foods that drain energy? It contains a lot of calories and sugar, and while a small portion here and there is fine, many of us find it hard to control ourselves!
6) Fried Food: Fried food is addictive but it’s also a bit of a disaster. Fries – which includes sweet potato (noo!), are hugely damaging, and they proudly belong to the list of foods that drain energy. They can cause you to be low on energy and high on weight.
7) Margarine: Margarine doesn’t really offer you anything, and it especially doesn’t offer you energy or the chance to lose weight. It’s stuffed with bad fats and salt and is well worth cutting out.
8) Booze: If you want more energy and wish to lose weight, there will be sacrifices that you need to make. And one of these is cutting down on alcohol. In fact, you might need to cut it out altogether.
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If you want to feel more energetic then stop eating these 8 foods
Reviewed by Unknown
March 02, 2018

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