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Google discriminated against white and Asian men, ex-YouTube recruiter claims

A former YouTube recruiter, claims in a lawsuit that Google stopped hiring white and Asian candidates for jobs at YouTube in late 2017 in favour of candidates from other ethnicities.

Arne Wilberg claimed in his suit that YouTube recruiters were instructed to hire “all diverse” candidates in late 2017, and that he was fired in November last year after complaining.

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In one alleged incident, recruiters said they felt uncomfortable with the way black candidates were being discussed like “black slaves as slave traders on a ship.”

According to the claim, Google deleted evidence of its diversity hiring processes from staffers’ cloud accounts and inboxes.

However, Google has replied the claim when it told the Wall Street Journal it would defend the lawsuit and said it hired on merit and not appearances.

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Google discriminated against white and Asian men, ex-YouTube recruiter claims Reviewed by Unknown on March 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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